‘Steady thrive by united and sporting drive’ is core philosophy of the Sheikh Russel Kira Chakra Limited (SRKCL), a sporting and social entity of distinction, heritage and prestige that upholds the name and image of Sheikh Russel, youngest son of father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The SRKCL is committed for nation building activities through best sporting and social endeavors and create ample and distinct opportunities for the sport-loving native and non-native youngsters irrespective of gender, color, cast and creed. It remains focused on streamlining juvenile and youths towards discipline, friendship, solidarity, creativity, morality above all shaping up lives healthier, functional and meaningful apart from fostering sporting spirit and facilities in the country.


The Sheikh Russel Krira Chakra Limited (SKRCL) looks forward to emerge as an icon of sporting entity not only in Bangladesh but also beyond the border. It will engage necessary efforts to set up academies for sports education, research, diversification and promotion of different popular indoor and outdoor games. It hopes to exchange sporting spirit among the allies, help build up sporting career, sports professionals and spread out the message of peace & humanity, foster brotherhood, friendship and solidarity through different sporting events within the border and beyond alongside keeping Sheikh Russel’s history intact and fresh at the core of peoples’ heart.